четверг, 1 октября 2009 г.

some thoughts

just synopsis or fragments of today thoughts:
- be professional!1) ur work will influnce most probably (life) people. doesn't matter what you do...we remember only teachers that were doing their best to teach us...
- cherish every period of life and close people (family).even though I can't still enjoy every single minute, I know that life is so short...
-one big period of life has ended...new one didn't start, or I didn't feel (let in) it in my life...feels like still in the search of the comfortable place for me.it doesn't mean it needs to be calm...i got used to movement, challenges and new discoveries...i need it as air...or i need to find out smth new...tring to figure out it for already 4 months...
- I see some things now from different point. I'm already tired and fed up with unprofessionalism of some people, people that belong to the org. that I will thank always. but they constantly disapoint me. and smtimes i can't do anything. but it hurts...
-everything has its time limits...friends - rarely u have the same friends from childhood to the pension. nowadays more and more widespreaded is changing jobs every couple of years, 2-3 husband/wives a life, few cities/countries changing through life...i need to go forward, but where is it -the place, I didn't find out yet...i'm still in waiting, and it doesn't feel comfprtable, as the curcumstances (environment) push me to make a choice, and I dont' have real choice...th eold environment with all its flaws was so goooood for me, but its time already passed( expired). and I only hurts myself staying and being so close to it, trying still to be active part of it..it's not the same and I can't get the people behaviour the same...
-from positivism -to ordinary-ukrainian-previous-traditional-girl...it seems to me, i'm loosing .that part of the sun inside of me, that i found out last year...
-"never say "never" -2nd time I proved to myself this proverb :) jokes of life...i'm still hoping to fix situation for better or discover that actually it's better ;P

-people are going away from ur life...but memories stay...and u can't influence it anyhow...it's so hard to say goodbye...and know u will never see her/him again, or don't know..

actually all this was initiated by "sad news" about one of my very good teachers...I just wanted somehow to express the feeling of gratitude for everything that he made for me, and even he will not know it, but his life isn't in vain, only because he made contribution to my head and soul and we will remember him with huge THANK YOU!

2 комментария:

Unknown комментирует...

Катя привіт!
Боже, як же ж я тебе розумію!!! Ну от читаю те, що ти написала і розумію, що в мене ті самі відчуття, що і в тебе! Це ж треба так :))
І як знайти вихід? Як зрозуміти те, чого тобі хочеться? Та навіть відповісти на таке просте питання як в якій країні ти хочеш жити і працювати? Не знаю, принаймні для мене то релевантно,я вже не кажу про все інше.
Пиши сюди більше! Люблю читати твій блог :)))

Але ти тримайся! What will come that will come and we need to cope with that!


Katya комментирует...

thanks Yulia!
actually from where are u? ;)I know so many Yulias =))
it was just the explosion of all thoughts that was gathering during last 3-4months...