понедельник, 22 февраля 2010 г.

Diary of winter

Long time no notes, at least here.

The winter has 1 more week and that’s all, so it’s the right time to look back and see what happened. And now is the right time –as I have an “after conference” mood, that has been very awaited moments for me, from the first time I felt it many years ago... It’s smth that gives you so many feelings and thoughts…It’s kind of addiction. But I’m glad that I have it J Actually to some part, all of people has similar addiction – necessity of feeling happy. All life We are searching for things/people that make us happy – pursuit of happiness.

Anyway, this winter…


Actually don’t remember much. Except 4 moments.

1st one was when I was rejected by Brazilian very cool company.

2nd is very fast and intensive studying week – that I was happy to finish!

3rd –trip to Lviv, meeting Mikhed, Olya-lya, Morga, sisters Nemesh, Domo. Cool weekends in the cool city! =)

4th –and the best moment of the month – New Years meeting in Lviv!!! Super cool and a lot of pleasant dear people with great emotions!

It was really cool start of the new year 2010 :)


SO the begging was great , and the following events as well.

At 6th of January – exactly at our Holy Dinner I had interview with HR manager ))

7th of Jan I got the email with big letters saying that probably my time to turn the life in some exact way came. I was selected to internship!!! Still I am realizing what decision I took, and still need time to see all the outcomes of this important step.

The Xmas itself was very warm , family and pleasant time.

After that I suppose came time to think once again why I need to do this internship right now, and specific this choice and persuade my family in it =)

Also there was cool Old New year celebration, that will be in memory for a long time J

The next is coming Winco 2010. It was unplanned and spontaneous decision for me. Very challenging time, with a lot of important conclusions and learning. I felt that some my intensions/dreams came true and actually what you really want is come true with time and hard work. For me it was some kind of H4tF conference for myself, even though I was a faci. It was a feeling that I was able to share a lot with people that were seeking for the knowledge, skills. Once again feeling great to be involved into conference and spending great time with old and new friends – very smart and intelligent people! J

After that was time for being sick, studying a bit.

1 week ago I was in Kyiv, meeting brother of my very good Brazilian friend/ Was happy to spend time with cool people.

And probably the last my conference for now in Ukraine –it’s regional LCC in Lviv. That finished just yesterday. It was definitely cool 3 days!!! Amazing place, cool atmosphere, a lot of nice and smart people. Very important that I saw my LC – new people, that are maybe 5 years younger than me, but I’m calm for the future of LC and it’s the most important! With good emotions, motivated to move and energized with positive mood, now I have ahead “interesting”, challenging time to prepare myself for the next step- internship, to solve all logistic-official tasks. Training my patience and solving skills J But the most important in all this staff is people. If you have right environment u can do a lot.

So it seems the winter wasn’t so boring at all J

Anyway winter is time for “rest” and soon is coming spring with its energy, promises and “wind of change”;)

1 комментарий:

Unknown комментирует...

Уууууууууууу, Катерина!!!!! Ну ти так гарно написала :))) Рада за тебе! Удачки тобі в усіх отих офіційних штуках!