понедельник, 30 июня 2008 г.

last day as LCP

Sometimes u have (especially in @) to take some time and “pack” ur XP – ur previous term, year. Now I have to “pack”- or re-realize 3.5 years of my life and especially I feel that I have to “pack” my LCP term. As It’s already finished. I still can’t imagine:) Everything changed so fast. And now I’m far away- new place, new people. Yeh, I know the work , but in new environment it’ll be new to me also.

Last evening I was just watching pictures from my @ life in the past year. It’s amazing! A lot of different thoughts. But u can’t believe that everything changed and u don’t have any chance to back the things – u have only road in front of u. It’s definitely good! But I think till now (I’m already for 3 weeks here) I didn’t realize that my LCP term is over and it’ll not turn any more. It’s kind of pleasant feeling – U feel smth complete. But u know that u could do better. Try not to thing about this.

Definitely LCP term is year of leadership – activating leadership and it’s amazing opportunity. And u have to remember that u need to use every single day in order not to waste time and learn more . Sometimes u are tired, sometimes u don’t want to do anything . but at the end of the road , if u were persistent, U get amazing results and feeling, that u can’t feel anywhere else.

I know there are always weak sides and negative aspects, but We need to focus at positive!!! U are not going to live 100 years, life is too short to waste it for complaining.

Thanks for all people that make this XP real and I’m doing my next steps in this life.

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