четверг, 25 сентября 2008 г.


briefly about events of last 2-3 weeks...time is running so fast, so fast:)))

Moments of life…

1) Visit to alumni – founder of AIESEC here. Very great woman with passion and enormous energy, that drives her through all life. She looks I think 10-15 years younger. I really enjoy meeting with her , at her cozy house, in the very good district, 5 meters from sea shore…house and owners are matching each other.

2) Alumni official dinner – it was great.40 anniversary AIESEC in Puerto Rico – man that establish AIESEC here 50 years ago, woman that separated it from USA branch, a lot of interesting and powerful people, people that built aiesec successfully and now with the same success build their life. The most important for us is that people were satisfied with event. And it can’t but make us happyJ It’s really motivating when people thank u for the work that u do and recognize ur efforts and how it’s important for them.

3) Exhibition about Moscow. Ahhhhh…it was unbelievable. I enjoyed it a lot. To see familiar photos, places, to talk about Russia and Ukraine, to be in nice atmosphere and new environment. It’s really amazing. IT happened unexpectedly , and I’m very glad that I agreed to go there. To be so far away and to visit such event- it’s so many emotions. Indescribable

4) Ocean. I like it! I adore it! And I know there is no magic behind it .any more. I now understand that we can be the same happy and sad everywhere. The place doesn’t make u happier. Yes, it could assist u to feel better. But happiness must be inside u, only in such way u will be happy.

5) Windows…I want a lot of things to have, to happen , to be…but now extremely want to have big and beautiful window to watch the shower that is going outside. Wishes,wishes…I want not to have them, then it´s easier just to live and enjoy life. Cause life itself is very very interesting and amazingJ

6) New discovery of Sunday – yoga…wanted to start for a log long time…first step is done! Now just need to follow upJLike it really much! After first hour, the exercises seem to be not so hard, but all body has pleasant pain in muscles. I need to do more physical exercises!!;) yeyehhh

7) HR conference and exposition today!!!! read more here - mcpuertorico.blogspot.com :)

четверг, 11 сентября 2008 г.

for health ;)

we usualy talk about it a lot , but what we do for it?
- a lot of stress,
-bad sleep
- not regular meal, probably jank food
- staying at office late
- all time in the close space (without fresh air)
- of course not walking and spending time in front of TV ???
and with all this we are so much caring about our health....
When did u last time do smth for ur health???
I just did:)))
proud and happy....
...just back from swimming pool
small step in our future :)

суббота, 6 сентября 2008 г.

about Brazil

Didn't have much time to think and reflect everything that happend.
but write couple of thoughts :)
here are they :)

Yes, Brazilians tend to have 3 bathrooms in a house(at least they are striving)

2)they eat rice, beans and farofa ( as my friend told “sand” –some vegetable ), don’t eat much bread

3)have a lot of fruits and they are cheaper ;)

4) they are in mad love with football , it’s family tradition to be a fun of one foodball team

5) they can easily approach u and try to kiss at 30th sec (not mine but opinion of my friends)

6)the water in ocean is much colder then here, in Puerto Rico-cause now they have "winter "time:)))

7) they are the BEST in hospitality in the world :) and care about their guests so much!

8) they can easily change plans (actually as some people from central/latin America that I met recently do the same. I kind of getting used to such culture.

9) their language after Spanish seems so cute ;) and funny to me:)

10) they like to go to beach and I support it!!!

11) they have variety of different races, colors, as natioanality (I was told like this -it's true)

12) contrasts of richness and poverty.

13) “love” relationships between citizens of Rio and Sao Paulo (it's funny to listen how they talk about each other)

13) one language at such huge territory -it;s interesting fact :)

14) so many different people – it’s true that Brazilian passport was the most popular on black market because of it

15)When Brazilians dancing samba - “African type of dance”(I call like it for myself) they get into trance. Very interesting to see.

shortly it;a all about this so close for me now, and so far away from my homeland country:)