среда, 30 июля 2008 г.

My MC life....

I'm not writting here much about my work and MC life..kind of official and what I do the majority of time.
But I want to say about yesterday meeting. It was inspirational one. after this I thought that work in MC it's kind of challenging and meanwhile developing XP. and MC in Puerto Rico is so special and exciting. in comparison to another MCs - here U work ur memmbers every day...U talk to the, they just come to LC-MC office. U share some moments with them. U call them often.U communicate with LCs so often...It's kind of different for me, from another MCs that I knew before. I knew that it's be like this , and now it's time to live this unforgetable experience.
Yesterday I proved once again that I'm getting inspiration when I'm with people -talking to them, having meeting, discusing and brainstorming. Creation of new ideas is smth that makes u feel so increadible and proud of what u are doing.
i liked yesterday IC delegation meeting. It was very spontaneously and very cool.
i felt soooo motivated after this meeting , thought it was pretty late and Ididn't eat anything from lunch...
I like to be in these moments of motivation and inspiration by people that U are working with:)

понедельник, 28 июля 2008 г.

three wishes, or how my dreams came true suddenly..

OK, I haven't been here for ages...
moments are going and life is running so fast.I don't believe sometimes, but it's true. I'm here already for almost 2 months.
This time I want to tell about all trevels that I had here...
my wishes came true...I was in these 2-3 weeks ,when I can feel "magic" in the air.
I've been to ocean every Sunday 3 weeks in a row. After it u feel so relaxed and calm and great.
All my weekends I spent so great that I was feel ready for next working week. I like this feel ing! It's kind of feelingthat u are really have professional job and u dont' work when U have time, but U have full day job and full weekends off. It was what I was searching for a long time...
about places and wishes...
I bought camera!!! So now I'm able to take pictures whatever and whenever I want:) yehhh
I had very very good and relaxing evening at my friends house. with barbeque, vine and just nice atmosphere around...nice house, nice people...what else u need for great time?
Next day I unexpectedly went to the most North-Western part of Puerto Rico - Aquadilla. It was actually the trip of my dream. all life I had somewhere in thoughts this weird dream to take car and just go through the island, watch the sea/ocean and admire the feeing of some kind of freedom...It's so amazing...and so unbelievable...that now I can't even believe that it was with me. It was really with me:)...

after that 2nd wish...
I was dreaming about going to Caribbean seashore....from my arriving here. I was waiting for it for a long time...
and it happend:) I was there. actually I went for coaching LC visit, and LCP with VP TM took me and CEEDer from Czech Republic to very very beautiful place in Puerto Rico. special place for me. Because from there (from place with name Cabo Rojo) my advanture with Puerto Rico started. when I was searching for any pictures from PR for first time in my life - I got the first and it was from Cabo Rojo - the fantastic and super romantic place...I fall in love with this place. of course, there are many things that brought me here...but this place is so meaningful;) and so great to see it by ur own eyes, and to compare ur imagination and how it's in reality.
and 3rd wish...
I was thingking about tropical forest...how is it? and wanted to watch it also...and I got it out of sudden:)uph...these weeks were full of unexpected things!
on Saturday when I didn't plan anything particular, suddenly interns came and I went to National Park (tropical rainforest ). It's amazing! Different that I was expected, but also different from our forests:)

It was good! To be on the nature..I like it. and I'm glad that I spent so great Saturday!
Yes, I saw a lot already. and I hope to keep such active rest further;))
out of all this I understood : I have really strong habit (from my last years inUkraine) to do smth all time.I can't just stay at home and doing nothing...It's unbelievably boring and insain...on this land, on this island...:)

суббота, 12 июля 2008 г.

intercultural communication

I like such words, as intercultural communication, multicultural environment, cultural sensitivity...and so on...but one thing it's read or going to read or to know about it, and another thing is to experience it and to know how it feels when u are trying to explain person from different culture and country some peculiarity of life in your country -ur past life:) I'm working and living in multicultural environment not first year. and I'm very happy to have such opportunity for almost 4 years. and for now it's the most intensive experince that I've lived ever. and It's what I like and passionate about in this life. I like when u everyday communicate, work and have fun with people from different countries - it enriches u , develop ur communication, negotiation skills, for u the world become one step closer;)
yesterday I was talking with my Puerto Rican friend here, and I got this feeling , that intercultural communication is interesting , amazing thing , and sometimes it's not the easiest one. sometimes in ur country u can misunderstand person and what to tell if u are from different cultural backgrounds, with diffrent past and "maps of this world" in ur head.
But there is one recipe to not have problems with it, (as for me)don't worry about this too much- anyway u will have funny and not very moments. but the more u know the person the smoother it'll go:)

среда, 9 июля 2008 г.

cultural dinner - use this opportunity

I like my organization of many many reasons - and one of which is cultural diversity here and that we recognize it and actully productively use it with pleasure and "enjoying participation".
So my cultural XP here: (small schedule):
last Thursday - I was at salsa concert that was organized in one part of San Juan by major of this area. so it seems for me like ukrainian outdoors concerts at big holidays - but less people here and everybody was dancing salsa. Even I got to know 2 basic steps . and now I want even more to know how to dance it:) so will search for classes in autumn. :) it was very great - to be among people that are dancing and having fun ina bit different way, that we got used to in Ukraine;)
second - it was yesterday - Ukrainian dinner :)
It was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a lot of work and worrying from my side:) Mexican assistant when I was chopping potatoes and very good feedback from all guests that we had in our house:)
I really like the idea - it's delicios and great way to get to know more about other countries, to use AMAZING opportunity and condition taht we have - as here right now we have people from Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Belgium, Ukraine, France, Ecuador and of course - Puerto Ricans:) soon it'll be even more - Italy,Hungary and Brasil will join our lively company. So...yeh it's the moment and we need to catch it!:);)
and here it's what I cooked yesterday;)
and it;s only the begging:)

вторник, 1 июля 2008 г.